Veerakumar Machines Tools was started in 1982. The business is owned by family members of Lion K. Dhanuskodi and his brother Lion K. Natarajan.
In 1982 the firm was doing job work for other companies. We started used machine business in 1985. In the year 2000 we began to distribute new machines. Now We sell new machines, used equipment, refurbished equipment, machines spares. We provide repair services of all kinds of machine tools. With hard work and trust of our customers and associates we are growing in the field of machine tools.
Our Group of Companies
- Sri Veerakumar Traders
- Shree Veerakumar Agencies, Chennai
- Shree Veerakumar Thirumana Mahal, Easanatham, Karur District
- VK Steels, Coimbatore
- Veerakumar Industrial Machinaries, Coimbatore
- Veerakumar Machine Tools